BCG vaccination during childhood was associated with a lower risk of subsequent lung cancer for American Indian and Alaskan Native populations independent of other risk factors such as smoking and alcohol use. Although further study must be done, the BCG vaccine may be an inexpensive and widely available prevention measure for lung cancer. BCG vaccination during childhood was associated with a lower risk of subsequent lung cancer for American Indian and Alaskan Native populations independent of other risk factors such as smoking and alcohol use. Although further study must be done, the BCG vaccine may be an inexpensive and widely available prevention measure for lung cancer. BCG vaccination during childhood was associated with a lower risk of subsequent lung cancer for American Indian and Alaskan Native populations independent of other risk factors such as smoking and alcohol use. Although further study must be done, the BCG vaccine may be an inexpensive and widely available prevention measure for lung cancer. BCG vaccination during childhood was associated with a lower risk of subsequent lung cancer for American Indian and Alaska Native populations independent of other risk factors such as smoking and alcohol use. Although further study must be done, the BCG vaccine may be an inexpensive and widely available prevention measure for lung cancer.

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